Collection: Blogs

How Milk Farms can Streamline Production & Distribution with GPS Trackers

How Milk Farms can Streamline Production & Distribution with GPS...

Fleettrack Developers
Use the GPS device to reduce the delivery time of your vehicles. The speed monitor feature helps you calculate the optimal speed required for reaching any destination in a designated route.
How Petroleum Companies can Protect their Stock During Transit Using Whitelabel GPS Software?

How Petroleum Companies can Protect their Stock During Transit Using...

Fleettrack Developers
These fuel container trucks carry a high inflammable material and you can’t afford any accidents or delays while carrying combustible fuels. So, instead of not knowing when to repair and do a maintenance you can plan for the preventive maintenance and operate your business with ease.
How Tours and Travel Operators Can Grow Their Business Using Whitelabel GPS Software?

How Tours and Travel Operators Can Grow Their Business Using...

Fleettrack Developers

By installing the Fleettrack’s GPS trackers for cars and bikes you can safeguard your fleet from theft. Our trackers can be installed on all your vehicles and be used to keep track of them, from anywhere you are. The software module can be installed in your systems and it will monitor your vehicles for you, letting you relax and stay worry-free about them.

Provide Timely Updates for Your Logistics Business with Fleet Track White Label GPS Tracking Software

Provide Timely Updates for Your Logistics Business with Fleet Track...

Fleettrack Developers
Our software also provides you with minute-by-minute updates about your fleet. The location data is provided by default, but there are other alerts from the software that you will not find in any other. Updates such as engine ignition alerts, over-speed alerts, geo-fence alerts, all let you have complete control over your vehicles from your location.
Maintain Your Fleet of Vehicles with White Label GPS Tracking Software

Maintain Your Fleet of Vehicles with White Label GPS Tracking...

Fleettrack Developers
How Construction Companies can benefit by Using White label GPS Tracking Software

How Construction Companies can benefit by Using White label GPS...

Fleettrack Developers
The software also calculates idle time of the vehicles, and alerts you regarding the same. This way you can make sure the supplies reach the sites at the right time. You can reduce overall delays in operations, and ensure timely completion of projects. Transporting bricks, steel, cement, sand, and stone, require a lot of planning and hard work. With the vehicles safely operating under the software’s watchful eyes, you can rest easy knowing your business is secure.
How Cities are Modernising Waste Management with GPS Trackers

How Cities are Modernising Waste Management with GPS Trackers

Fleettrack Developers
How Textile Mills can Ensure the Safety of Employees and Reduce Costs at the Same Time?

How Textile Mills can Ensure the Safety of Employees and...

Fleettrack Developers
The GPS software provides you information about the real time location of your vehicles. So, you can always track the vehicles when your employees are commuting from and to their residence. In case of any unexpected events like a flat tire, accident or any other mishaps, you can quickly dispatch an alternate vehicle to carry the people from that location.
How a White Label GPS Tracking Software can Save Your Business Expense

How a White Label GPS Tracking Software can Save Your...

Fleettrack Developers
With Fleet Track White Label GPS software, you can customise the branding to meet that of your own brand. This gives a professional look and uniformity to your business. Similarly you can also customise the GPS tracking software and give a seamless experience.